Note to Parents of Singletons: Your Child Won’t be Lonely

In this post, Dr. Susan Newman, Social psychologist, parenting expert, and best-selling author, debunks the lonely only-child myth and explains why she believes singletons are not that different from kids with siblings.

You can read the full article (original) on her website.

Parents of singletons often worry that without siblings, their child might have problems sharing and making friends — and hence, will be lonely.

This stereotype of the only child as lonely child has long been without merit.

In this day and age, with children’s early socialization in daycare, playgroups, in school and involved in endless after school activities, I believe parents should worry less than ever before, if at all.

The Wall Street Journal reported that some concerned parents of only children compensate for the lack of siblings by forming only-child groups.

At weekly meetings, their children play, share, and, in essence, contend with pseudo sibling-rivalry situations.

Through encouraged successful social interaction, they can settle disputes, compromise, and understand that they are not the center of the universe.

Technology — The Great Unifier

With so many children today embracing all-things electronic (gadgets like iPads, iPhones and computers), more than ever before, today’s advanced technologies allow only children to be connected to other children in huge ways — at times, even seeming to take over family life.

Yet, it is undeniable that this connection can give singletons a social life that extends beyond school hours and after school activities, for years beyond the age of aforementioned only-child social groups.

Technology is the preferred method of communication in grade, middle, and high school. Your child can—and probably will—”talk” to friends constantly through social-networking sites, texts, and e-mail.

Some experts in the field worry that this lack of face-to-face contact will inhibit social and emotional development-but that concern applies to children with or without siblings.

For only children, friends are a mere instant message, call, or click away. Even if your only child had a younger sibling, it is a good bet that he would spend much of his time engaged in some sort of electronic “conversation” with his friends, not with a brother or sister.


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