The Best Parenting Style: Why the Authoritative Parent is King

There are many different parenting styles, but which one is the best?

Authoritative parenting has proved to be the most effective style for raising successful kids. 

It involves setting rules and limits while also providing emotional support.

This post will discuss why authoritative parenting is the best way to go and how you can implement it into your family life!

What is The Authoritative Parenting Style?

Most of us have probably heard of the main parenting styles: authoritative, authoritarian, permissive, and neglectful. 

But what exactly is authoritative parenting, and what are its benefits?

Authoritative parenting is often considered the “gold standard” when raising kids.

It combines a loving and supportive home environment with clear rules and expectations.

In other words, parents who use an authoritative parenting style are both warm and nurturing.

Nonetheless, they also set firm limits on their children’s behavior.

According to Child Development expert Diana Baumrind, authoritative parenting is “a parenting style characterized by high expectations and responsiveness.” 

What Are Some Common Traits of an Authoritative Parent?

Authoritative parenting is considered the “happy medium” between authoritarian and permissive parenting.

Some of the critical things that authoritative parents do differently from other styles of parenting include:

  • Set clear rules and expectations for their children’s behavior.

  • They are consistent in their disciplinary actions.

  • Explain why certain behaviors are expected and guide meeting those expectations.

  • Show warmth and affection towards their children.

  • Encourage their children to express their opinions and offer guidance when needed.

  • Provide opportunities for their children to learn independence and responsibility.

  • They are comfortable saying no to some of their kids’ demands.

  • These parents don’t shield their kids from every possible negative outcome.

    Instead, they allow them to make mistakes and take the opportunity to teach valuable lessons. 

Example of an Authoritative Parent Discipline Style

Let’s say that a child refuses to do his chores. An authoritarian parent would likely react by threatening or punishing the child until he complies.

On the other hand, a permissive parent might give up and do the chores herself.

However, an authoritative parent would take a different approach. First, she would explain to her child why it is important to do his chores.

Then, she would give him some suggestions for how to do them. Finally, she would provide encouragement and support. 

Nevertheless, she’d still hold him accountable for completing the tasks.

This way, the child learns the consequences of not doing his chores.

However, he also understands that his parents will help him succeed.

As a result, he is more likely to comply with their expectations in the future. 

How Can You Use it, Even if You Don’t Feel Naturally Suited For it?

Parenting styles come in all shapes and sizes, just like parents!

Still, you can learn new ways to parent, even if you don’t feel like it comes naturally to you.

Here are a few tips for how to start using the authoritative parenting style at home:

1. Be clear about your expectations. This means being specific about rules and consequences.

For example, instead of saying, “Stop running in the house,” you could say, “We are only allowed to walk inside the house.”

2. Explain your reasoning. Take the time to explain why you expect certain things from them. It helps them to understand your perspective and respect your authority.

But remember to keep it simple, especially when explaining to the little ones.

3. Practice empathy and listening skills. Listen, show your sympathy, and recognize your child’s feelings, even if you disagree.

When kids feel understood and supported, they’re more likely to cooperate and become confident.

4. Be consistent with your rules. It’s crucial to stick to the rules you set. Moreover, ensuring everyone in your family is on the same page will help you be more effective.

Disciplining your children the same way will help them understand their expectations. If you use different approaches, they will be confused and not know what to do.

This will make it hard for them to follow any rules or guidelines in their lives.

Benefits to Kids

Children raised by authoritative parents are more likely to do well in school, have strong social skills, and be resilient in adversity.

They’re also less likely to exhibit problem behaviors, such as aggression, delinquency, and drug use.

Additionally, research also concluded that authoritative parenting:

  • Boost children’s creativity. A study indicated a significant positive relationship between authoritative parenting style and creativity.

    Conversely, they found a negative relationship between authoritarian parenting style and imagination.

  • Promotes self-esteem. A thriving, authoritative parent deals with their youngster’s necessities by responding to their emotions appropriately.

    The wellspring of esteem originates from feeling acknowledged, having a sense of belonging, and feeling adequate.

  • Have a better academic outcome. This parenting style has been found to promote academic success by helping children develop self-regulation skills and a strong sense of self-efficacy. According to research, adolescents who perceive their parents as authoritative are more likely to create high-efficacy beliefs and higher intentions.


So, authoritative parenting is the way to go if you’re looking for a parenting style that will result in well-behaved, successful children.

Remember to be clear about your expectations, explain your reasoning, practice empathy and listening skills, and be consistent with your rules. Your children will thank you for it later!


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