26 Inspirational Quotes for Mothers of an Only Child

Quotes for mothers of only child

Being the parent of an only child is both rewarding and challenging, but it can also be unique in its way.

However, unfortunately, it still comes with a lot of judgment, misunderstanding, and misconceptions.

I know it can sometimes feel lonely, so I've gathered some inspiring quotes to let you know you're not alone.

I hope these words will help remind you that you are doing everything right and inspire you to keep growing along with your kid proudly and free of unnecessary stigmas!

  1. β€œYou are my first; you are my last; you are my only; you are enough!”

2. "Having an only child doesn't mean less love; it means more of your heart in one place."

3. β€œI choose quality over quantity.”

4. "Your bond as mother and son/daughter is like no otherβ€”any force or power can never break it on this earth!"  

5. "You are not a lessen mother because you have an only child. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise."

6. "You may be a two-person team, but together, it's like having a whole army behind you!" 

7. β€œYou did it right the first time!”

8. β€œHaving multiple children doesn't make you a higher-ranker mother. Instead, being supportive, patient, affectionate, and respectful of your child and others do.”

9. β€œIt only takes one star to light up the sky - your only child is that star!”

10. β€œYour only child is like a diamond: unique, sparkling, and entirely precious.”

11. β€œThe more I see you grow, the more I appreciate you're my only child.”

12. β€œBeing a mother to an only child is a blessing. You can give your child all the love and attention they need, and you will never be alone in this journey.”

13. β€œYour only child will never be lonely if they have you by their side. You are the best companion they could ever have!”

14. β€œSometimes less means more.”

15. β€œYou might see only, but I see a masterpiece!”

16. β€œBeing a mom is not about the number of children you have; it's about the love and devotion you give, no matter what.”

17. β€œI'd rather be a super mom to my only child than an uninspired one to multiple children.”

18. β€œI'm thankful I can focus all my love and attention on you, my little one.”

19. β€œWhy would you risk if you already have the best?”

20. β€œBeing a healthy, loving, and supportive mother is the best gift you can give your child.”

21. β€œNot everything needs to come in pairs; sometimes, you only need a masterpiece!”

22. β€œYour only child is a little miracle; you have been chosen as its protector. Cherish this privilege and enjoy every moment with them!”

23. β€œOnly doesn't mean lonely.”

24. "Your only child is your biggest blessingβ€”so cherish every moment and never take them for granted!"

25. "The journey with your singleton will lead you down paths that no parent has ever takenβ€”each unique and special in its way."

26. β€œYou made me a mother; I am forever grateful for that.”

Finally, I want to finish this post with a beautiful poem from @poemsformama that touched me immensely when I first read it and still does.

Being a mother to an only child is truly a unique experience.

The love and devotion you give them will never go unnoticed or unappreciated.

Therefore, cherish each moment as it comes, for there's no other like the bond between parent and singletonβ€”it cannot be replaced by anyone or anything else.

So take pride in being a mom of one because nobody does it better than you when it comes to loving unconditionally!


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